Short Summer Sizzler #4: a life with a view

We live in the mundane world, the relative world, the world of phenomena.
We do not live on the ultimate plane.

Nonetheless, we can make use of the ultimate plane in problem-solving.


You’ve probably heard of the movie Room With a View. I’d like to propose that we can problem-solve more skillfully if we have a life with a view!

Before going any further, how do we usually problem-solve? No matter what way we choose, there is duality. There is always “me” at the centre. It’s “me-and-my-problem.” “Me-and-the-situation.” “Me-and-the-other-person.”

Example: I try to understand how I can work with a co-worker-from-hell! I think about the specific work situation; the larger work situation of the organization altogether; the roles of the other employees; the psychological components that may be coming into play etc. etc. etc.

I am not dismissing the myriad approaches that are offered in the thousands of books, DVD’s, personal training programmes etc. that are available to us today.

I’m offering an add-on. A view that differs from all other views.

And what is this view? It’s known as emptiness, which has nothing to do with nihilsim. You could call it the view that goes beyond all views.

Whenever I’m in any situation in my life, I try to flash on\touch in with this view. It helps me to let go. It somehow puts “my problem” into a more spacious perspective, allowing me to get out of the suffocating cocoon of habitual patterns that “me-and-my problem” have created. We connect with the mind of the Dragon.

It’s the constant interplay between the two that allows the situation itself to offer a “solution.” The “problem” doesn’t necessarily vanish. But things become more workable on a daily basis. After all, magic happens when one sees beyond the duality of the mundane world, when we close the gap between “self” and “other.”

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